Vivid Skin Care Centre
Privacy Policy

Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot , website, allows users to view health-related information, communicate with our offices and arrange for clinical visits, share limited patient information via new and existing patient forms as well as access information about additional services we provide.

This Privacy Statement applies to the website ( /) which is owned and operated by Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot. This Privacy Statement describes how we collect and use any personal information you provide and other information that is collected from your use of the website. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information. Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot does not collect any information on our website to directly solicit visitors. However, we do monitor and track traffic to our site through Google Analytics (see “Use of Cookies” below) as well as contact form (for patient form submissions), both of which are used for internal purposes only. In addition, each of these respective platforms above maintains its own appropriate security measures designed to keep your information private.

Privacy Statement

Use and disclosure of health information include using the information to provide treatment to the individual, to make payments for such treatment, and to conduct ongoing quality improvement activities. Our use and disclosure of an individual’s personal information (including health information) are limited as required by law. We will not give, sell, rent, share, or trade any of your personal information with any third party except as outlined in this Policy or with your consent.


The website has security measures in place that are intended to help protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access or alteration of information under our control. These measures include encrypted connection, HIPAA compliance, and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Despite these measures, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from us via the website by internet, text message or email cannot be guaranteed. At your discretion, you may contact us at the mailing address or telephone number listed in the “Questions and Contact” section at the end of this Privacy Statement.

Revisions to the Privacy Statement

We may revise this Privacy Statement from time to time as we add new features or modify the way in which we manage information, or as laws change that may affect our services. If we make material changes to our Privacy Statement, we will post notice of this on our website prior to the changes becoming effective. Any revised Privacy Statement will apply both to information we already have about you at the time of the change, and any personal information created or received after the change takes effect. We include a version number on this Privacy Statement consisting of the date (year, month, and day) it was last revised. We encourage you to periodically reread this Privacy Statement, to see if there have been any changes to our policies that may affect you.

Collecting, Using and Disclosing Personal Information

Except as disclosed in this Privacy Statement and the Terms of Use we do not collect any personally identifiable information about visitors to the website. Users can visit our site without revealing any information about themselves. If you choose to share personal information via our Online Patient Forms, whatsapp, etc your information will be used and retained solely for opening and/or maintaining your individual patient file. The policies, sources, uses and disclosures of information are outlined below:

Information Collection

We may collect the following personal information from you:

  • Contact information such as name, email address, mailing address, whatsapp number, and phone number.
  • Age or date of birth.
  • Unique identifiers such as user name
  • Preferences information such as preferred first name and the types of emails you would like to receive from us.
  • Health or medical information.
  • Medical record number or health record number.

Information We Collect Automatically When You Use the Website

When you access or use Services, we automatically collect information about you, including:

  • Log Information: We log information about your use of Services, including but not limited to the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address and the page you visited before navigating to our Services.
  • Device Information: We collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Services, including the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers and mobile network information.
  • Information Collected by Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: We use various technologies to collect information, and this may include sending cookies to your computer or mobile device. Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive or in device memory that help us to improve our services and your experience, see which areas and features of our Services are popular and count visits. These include using the services that we use to deliver cookies that count visits, understand usage and campaign effectiveness and determine whether an email has been opened and acted upon to help us continually improve your user experience on our website. No personally identifiable information about you is collected during this process. We also track the domains from which people visit and analyze this data for trends, insights and statistics; then we discard it. NOTE: If you are concerned about the use of cookies, Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot suggests that you explore your browser’s options to notify you whenever a cookie is set or to disallow cookies altogether.

Use of Information

we may use information about you for various purposes, including to:

Schedule appointments.

Send you requested product or service information.

Respond to customer service requests.

Administer your account.

Send you newsletters or email communications.

Respond to your questions and concerns.

Improve our website and marketing efforts.

Conduct internal quality improvement or business analysis.

Carry out any other purpose for which the information was collected.


We may disclose personal information:

As required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process.

As described in our Notices of Privacy Practices for protected health information.

When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect you or others from threats of imminent harm, investigate fraud or other activity in violation of the law, or respond to a government request.

To protect the security and reliability of the website.

If Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets.

To any other third party with your prior consent to do so (example: for medical research).

We may also share aggregated or de-identified information, which cannot reasonably be used to identify you.

Evaluation and Quality Improvement

We may periodically ask users to complete surveys asking about their experiences with features of the website. Our surveys may ask visitors for demographic information such as age, gender, and education, but will not request that users provide specific information about any medical condition. We use survey information for evaluation and quality improvement purposes, including helping us to improve information and services offered through the websites. In addition, users giving feedback may be individually contacted for follow-up due to concerns raised during the course of such evaluation.

Messages and Transactions

Comments or questions sent to us will be shared with the Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot staff and our team who are most able to address your concerns. We will archive your messages once we have made our best effort to provide you with a complete and satisfactory response. Some of our services such as our automated appointment selection may interact directly with our other data systems. Data about your transaction may be stored in these systems, and available to people who test and support these systems.

Credit Card Transaction

If you provide us with your credit card information for payments, we will treat your credit card number in a secure manner.


If a user makes a request to receive information in an ongoing manner through the website by providing an email address or mobile phone number the user may request to discontinue future mailings or messages. Similarly, if you receive information about our services through email you may make a request to discontinue receiving similar messages in the future. All such materials sent to you by email will contain information about how to opt-out.

Other Requests to Limit Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Laws may allow you to request that we limit our uses and disclosures of your personal information for treatment, payment, and health care operations purposes. We will consider all requests and, if we deny your request, we will notify you in writing. Law requires us to agree to your request to restrict disclosures to a health plan or insurer relating to specific health care services if you have paid for those services in full.

Data Retention

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Our website may include links to other websites whose privacy practices may differ from those of Vivid Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre, Rajkot. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, we want to remind you that your information is governed by their privacy statements. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy statement of any website you visit.

Questions and Contact

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, our policies and practice concerning this website, or your rights under this statement you can contact our team at