Vivid Skin Care Centre
Acne (Pimples)
Vivid Skin Care Centre
What is Acne?

Acne or pimples is a hormonal condition with a genetic predisposition

It can occur on face, chest, arms, shoulders & back.

How Acne lesion develops?

Acne occurs when pores of skin become clogged by oil, dead skin & bacteria.

Am I the only one suffering from Acne?
  • Starts around 10-12 years age.

  • 200-300 millon cases in India.

  • Out of these, 90% patients gets scars.

  • 50% have Pyschosical Impact of Acne.

  • Only 5-10% people have skin with no scars.

What causes for acne?

Before jumping on to treatment, it is very essential to know what causes acne or pimples in order to treat it perfectly.

  • Genetics

dna structure showing genetic effect in acne


  • Hormonal changes (e.g. PCOS)

hormones in acne


  • Diet (High carbs, daily products, choclates, etc)



  • Stress

girl having stress due to acne


  • Medications (e.g steroids)

acne due to medicines tablets


  • Cosmetics

acne due to make up


  • Humidity

acne due to humidity


  • Pollutants

acne due to pollution

How many types of Acne / Pimples are there?

stages of acne / pimples

What are the complications of Acne?

Acne or pimples if treated late or improperly can lead to ugly permanent dark spots or scarring.

  • Post Acne Hyperpigmentation                       

post acne dark spots marks hyperpigmentation    

  •  Post Acne Scars

post acne scars over face

How Acne affects your daily life?

"It is not only for what we do, that we are responsible, but also for what we do not do."   

Acne or pimples in many cases can lead to following pyschosocial problems in day to day life. 

  • Anxiety, Stress, Depression

girl having anxiety, stress, depression due to acne


  • Hiding face

girl hiding face due to acne


  • Avoid going to school or office

avoid going to school or office due to acne


  • Fear of losing marriage proposals

fear of losing marriage proposals


  • Low self confidence

i can't showing low self confidence due to acne


  • Constantly think what others think about you

girl looking at mirror constantly thinking what others think about her


  • Problems in marrital relationship

couple have problem in marital relationship due to acne


  • Spending most of time doing makeup to hide acne

makeup brushes spending most of time doing make up


  • Being self concious

hiding face with hands being self concious due to acne


  • Face situations where people stare at your acne

people staring at girl due to acne

What are the treatment options for Acne?

There are two types of acne or pimples treatment:


  • Topical Retinoids
  • Topical Antibiotics
  • Oral Antibiotics
  • Hormonal therapy (if needed) to treat underlying conditions like PCOS and insulin resistance.




Your dermatologist will decide one or more treatment options depending on your skin type, grade & severity of your acne or pimples.

Just like to prevent crime, we need all the criminals to be caught. In the same way, we need 360holistic approach to treat or prevent acne or pimples.

Your Acne consultation will include
Vivid Skin Care Centre
Diagnosis by M.D. Dermatologist.
Diagnosis by M.D. Dermatologist.
Customised Treatment Plan
Customised Treatment Plan
Diet Plan
Diet Plan
Home Care Instructions
Home Care Instructions
Vivid Skin Care Centre
Teen acne may subside on its own over time. However, adult acne usually requires medical help to diagnose and treat the underlying cause and reduce the risk of recurrence and scarring.
No, acne vulgaris is not a contagious skin condition.
Acne vulgaris is most prevalent during puberty and may last until the early 20s. However, due to hormonal disturbances, some people may experience adult acne.
No, it is essential to resist the temptation of popping or squeezing pimples as it may aggravate your skin condition and lead to permanent scars.
No, there is no permanent cure for acne vulgaris. However, by opting for Vivid's holistic acne treatment, you can minimise your breakouts effectively.
It is advisable to consult a doctor immediately after a breakout to reduce the risk of recurrence and scarring.
You can note a visible reduction in your skin condition after undergoing the first few sessions of acne treatment at Vivid Skin Care Clinic. However, you should complete your recommended sessions to enjoy optimal results.
Wrong skincare regimen, poor scalp hygiene and underlying hormonal issues along with genetic propensity and unhealthy lifestyle habits may be responsible for frequent facial breakouts.
All grades of acne may cause some form of scars. However, moderate and severe acne may involve a higher risk of permanent scarring.
No, anti-acne medication and antibiotics usually do not cause any side-effects when used under the supervision of an expert dermatologist.
Why VIVID Skin Care & Cosmetology Centre
Vivid Skin Care Centre
US-FDA Approved Equipments
US-FDA Approved Equipments
Expert Dermatologist Dr. Pratik Sheth
Expert Dermatologist Dr. Pratik Sheth
Patient Satisfaction
Patient Satisfaction
State of the art Technology
State of the art Technology
Result Oriented Treatments
Result Oriented Treatments
Vivid Skin Care Centre
4.9 / 5
Vivid Skin Care Centre
4.9 / 5
Vivid Skin Care Centre
4.9 / 5
What Patients Says
Vivid Skin Care Centre