Vivid Skin Care Centre
Vitiligo Treatment
Vivid Skin Care Centre
What is Leucoderma?

Leuco= White, Derma = Skin, i.e. Leucoderma means a WHITE SKIN.

There are many conditions in which skin can become white (Depigmentation) and vitiligo is one of the cause.

Other causes of leucoderma are chemical leucoderma, genetic leucoderma (Piebaldism) Leucoderma in other diseases like SLE, Systemic sclerosis, etc.

What is meaning of Vitiligo?

model with vitiligo over faceVitiligo is an autoimmune skin disease in which the immune cells of the patient's body destroy his/her our own melanocytes (cells which forms pigmentation in skin), resulting in white patches due to the loss of pigment.

People use the term Safed Daag / Kodh / Kusta Rog etc. in Gujarati or Hindi for white patches, though every white patch is not vitiligo.

Who gets vitiligo?

Anyone can get vitiligo, and it can develop at any age. 

Vitiligo seems to be more common in people who have a family history of the disorder or who have certain autoimmune diseases, including:

  • Addison’s disease.
  • Pernicious anemia.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Type 1 diabetes.
Which areas get involved in vitiligo?

White patches can appear anywhere on your body and can affect:

  • Skin, which develops milky-white patches, usually on the hands, feet, arms, and face. However, the patches can appear anywhere.
  • Hair, which can turn white in areas where the skin is losing pigment. This can happen on the scalp, eyebrow, eyelash, and beard.
  • Mucous membranes, such as the inside of your mouth or nose.


People with vitiligo can also develop:

  • Low self-esteem or a poor self-image from concerns about appearance, which can affect quality of life.
  • Uveitis, a general term that describes inflammation or swelling in the eye.
  • Inflammation in the ear.
What are the causes of Vitiligo?
  1. Immune system disorder (Most common cause)
  2. Heriditary
  3. Stress
  4. Exposure to some chemicals
  5. Trauma / Injury
  6. Sun burn
What are the types of Vitiligo?

Vitiligo can be of following types:

  1. Focal vitiligo – Single small lesion
  2. Vitiligo vulgaris – Generalised vitiligo – Multiple whitish patches on all over body
  3. Lip-Tip Vitiligo – More confined on lips and finger tips
  4. Segmental vitiligo – Vitiligo on particular segment of body
How to diagnose Vitiligo?

Vitiligo can be easily diagnosed clinically by dermatologist.

A dermotologist can confirm it by examining white patches by Wood's lamp.

Other tests can include:

  • Blood tests are done to plan therapy to control the spread of vitiligo and to rule out any other associated conditions like hypothyroidism or other autoimmune conditions. Blood tests to check for other autoimmune diseases.
  • An eye exam to check for uveitis, an inflammation of part of the eye that sometimes occurs with vitiligo.
  • A skin biopsy, which means taking a small sample of your skin to be examined under a microscope. Doctors can examine the tissue for the missing melanocytes seen in the depigmented skin of a person with vitiligo.
What if not treated?

"Vitiligo itself is not harmful."

Due to its autoimmune nature, white patches can increase in size or spread to other parts of body 

But it mostly affects the person psychologically due to visible nature of white patches and social stigma attached to it. Women are generally more psychologically affected than men. 

Vitiligo is poorly understood in many communities. It is often confused with leprosy or sexual infections and even seen as a sin or a sort of punishment sent by God- which is NOT TRUE.

How will vitiligo affect daily life?

"It is not only for what we do, that we are responsible, but also for what we do not do."   

If you are facing any of the situations mentioned below, then there are high chances that white patches on your skin are having tremendous psycho-social impact  in your daily life.

  • Anxiety, Stress, Depression

girl having anxiety, stress, depression due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Hiding face

girl hiding face due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Avoid going to school or office

avoid going to school or office due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Fear of losing marriage proposals

fear of losing marriage proposals due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Low self confidence

i can't showing low self confidence due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Constantly think what others think about you

girl looking at mirror constantly thinking what others think about her due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Problems in marrital relationship

couple have problem in marital relationship due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Spending most of time doing makeup to hide acne

makeup brushes spending most of time doing make up to hide vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Being self concious

hiding face with hands being self concious due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag


  • Face situations where people stare at your acne

people staring at girl due to vitiligo or white patches or safed daag

It's not necessary that all of above will be present. These effects gradually develop over time. 

Feeling of even a single condition as mentioned above is significant. 

What are the options for Leucoderma / vitiligo treatment in Rajkot?

There are broadly three options for leucoderma / vitiligo treatment in Rajkot.

A. Medical Treatment: For active or inactive form of vitiligo and as a part of treatment after surgery. 

1️⃣. Oral Medicines and topical creams / oint / gel

2️⃣. Photo-chemo-therapy (PUVA or PUVASOL)

3️⃣. Photo-therapy (NB-UVB)

4️⃣. Excimer light therapy

Usually single treatment option is not effective alone, so a combination of above options is usually done to achieve good and fast response. 


B. Vitiligo Surgery: Only for inactive or stable form of vitiligo, not responding to medical treatment. 

1️⃣. Melanocyte Transplant 

2️⃣. Suction blister grafting

3️⃣. Micro punch grafting

Surgery is typically not recommended when vitiligo is spreading or for people who scar easily or develop keloids.


C. Other Treatment Options: If not opting / not responding to above options, then 

1️⃣. Psychological treatment / support

2️⃣. Skin camouflage

3️⃣. Complete skin whitening therapy (for extensive vitiligo)

What are the goals of vitiligo treatment?

Most treatments for vitiligo focus on stopping the immune system from destroying the melanocytes and improving the skin’s appearance.

In most cases, the goals of your treatment are to:

  • Slow or stop the disease from progressing.
  • Encourage the regrowth of melanocytes.
  • Restore color to the white patches of skin, which can help the skin color look more even.

It’s important to remember that treatments may take time, and not everyone responds. In addition, the results from treatments can vary from one part of the body to another, and new patches may appear in the meantime. Sometimes, doctors will recommend more than one treatment to get the best results.

Your Vitiligo Consultation will include
Vivid Skin Care Centre
Diagnosis by M.D. Dermatologist
Diagnosis by M.D. Dermatologist
Examination by Wood's Lamp
Examination by Wood's Lamp
Assessment of Stability of Vitiligo
Assessment of Stability of Vitiligo
Customized Treatment Plan
Customized Treatment Plan
Vivid Skin Care Centre
No, Vitiligo is not contagious. Vitiligo never spreads by contact or by living with vitiligo person.
No, There is no relation with diet and vitiligo so no diet restrictions in vitiligo. Some people think that vitamin C or any white things can induce or increase vitiligo which is not true. You can take any diet in vitiligo.
This is an important question asked by all patients. Well the answer is not so simple. 

The outcome of treatment depends on many factors like family history, extent of disease, types of vitiligo and other associated autoimmune conditions. 

The result may vary from person to person. 

It all depends on the severity of disease. If the the progress of disease is not too much, there are chances of cure of this condition.

Activity of vitiligo depends on one's immunity. So person can develop vitiligo after cure if his/her autoimmunity back fires again.
Person having vitiligo in any family member increases the chances of him/her getting vitiligo but its not true in every case.

There is no particular pattern of inheritance.

Genetic component in vitiligo is weak and quite inconsistent. 

So its not necessary that children of parents with vitiligo will also develop vitiligo. 
Yes. It can spread to other parts of body only if the vitiligo is in ACTIVE phase due to autoimmunity otherwise not.
Yes. Its possible in some cases. But not in majority cases.
  • Protect your skin from sunlight, Try to avoid sunlight between 11am to 3pm, wear full clothing, use broad spectrum sunscreen.
  • Apply good amount of moisturiser.
  • Avoid trauma to the skin since traumatic area can turn white because of vitiligo activity.
There are very few genuine videos. Most of the other videos  are created to show sensational unrealistic claims and thereby gain views and earn ad revenue from it.

Always consult qualified M.D. dermatologist for treatment.
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